.. _examples: ******** Examples ******** 1D Temperature Exchange .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 **1D Temperature Exchange:** Provided here are the files required to run 1 dimensional temperature replica exchange MD (1D-REMD) on a system of 4 single-core replicas of diphenylalanine as a test case. This is executed on localhost. Example files can be found at: https://github.com/SrinivasMushnoori/repex.gmx/tree/master/FF To run:: radical-epex workload_gmx.json resource_local.json Ensure that you have the simulation files ready/prepared. Set the following environmental variables before running:: export RADICAL_ENTK_PROFILE=True export RADICAL_ENTK_VERBOSE=INFO export SAGA_PTY_SSH_TIMEOUT=2000 export RADICAL_VERBOSE=INFO export RADICAL_PROFILE=True export RADICAL_PILOT_DBURL=